[Webinar] A View from the International Bench – Current Topics in Cross-border Dispute Resolution

ABLI held webinar A View from the International Bench – Current Topics in Cross-border Dispute Resolution.
The world of international dispute resolution has witnessed a flurry of major developments in the past year and more recently. The Hague Judgments Convention was signed on 2 July 2019. Together with the Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention, they deal with two key aspects of private international law in cross-border litigation in civil and commercial matters: the international jurisdiction of courts and the recognition and enforcement of their judgments abroad. The Supreme Court of Singapore executed a memorandum of guidance (MOG) with its counterpart in Myanmar in February 2020. In addition, a number of recent Singapore court judgments have dealt with the issue of whether the Court has power to extend time limits under the Model Law for setting aside an arbitral award or an appeal against a tribunal’s ruling on jurisdiction.
Dr Michael Hwang SC of Michael Hwang Chambers LLC and Justice Anselmo Reyes of the Singapore International Commercial Court discussed the following topics during the session:
- Demystify MOG – what is it and what role can it play?
- The two Hague Conventions – what are their roles and limitations (if any)?
- Power of the court to extend time limits – what do BXS v BXT, BXY v BXX, and Bloomberry tell us?
Date: 3 June 2020
Time: 3pm to 4:15pm
Interested in viewing the full recording? Contact us at [email protected]

Tahira Ara
Managing Partner, Singapore and Head of Asia, Mishcon de ReyaLLP

Tahira Ara
Managing Partner, Singapore and Head of Asia, Mishcon de ReyaLLP

Tahira Ara
Managing Partner, Singapore and Head of Asia, Mishcon de ReyaLLP