
Commentary on Hong Kong court’s HKA scheme judgment
The Hong Kong High Court released its decision in sanctioning the scheme of Hong Kong Airlines and explained why it believed the scheme would be internationally effective.

Hybrid event by INSOL Asia Hub (March 9, 2023)
ABLI is pleased to share a hybrid event by INSOL Asia Hub on March 9, 2023.

ALAANZ 39th Annual Conference (May 2023)
The Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand has opened registration for its 39th annual conference.

Calling for response to survey on CBDC in Asia
Make your voice heard and participate in our survey on central bank digital currency in Asia today!

[Judgment] Corporate Responsibility for Climate Change – Lessons Learnt from Smith v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited
ABLI takes a look at the recent judgment by the Court of Appeal of New Zealand in Smith v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited [2021] NZCA 552 as world leaders gather for COP26.

[Interview] Recent Developments in India-related Arbitrations from Indian and Singaporean Lenses
ABLI speaks to four experts for a preview of their thoughts on the latest developments in the arbitration scene in India and on dispute resolution in general in the region.