[Recap] Upcoming Indonesia Personal Data Protection Law – Key Provisions to Know and How It May Affect Businesses

On 19 January 2022, ABLI successfully concluded its first webinar of the year, discussing the upcoming personal data protection law in Indonesia, the key changes the legislation may bring and how businesses may be affected.

The session began with a poll question where results showed that about one-third of the attendees have always been interested in personal data protection law developments in Indonesia while another third felt it was time to catch up with such developments now as the country is expected to feature more prominently in their work going forward.

Danny Kobrata of K&K Advocates thereafter provided an overview of personal data protection in Indonesia, including the legislative history of the personal data protection bill (PDP bill), the reason behind the current deadlock, and the key differences introduced by the current draft of the PDP bill. The other speaker Eugene Ho of Allen & Gledhill followed up with a brief presentation of Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act, focusing on transfer limitation obligations.

The individual presentations were followed by a dialogue session between the speakers during which Danny also responded to many questions posted live by the audience. Those questions covered both practices under the current regime, such as the obligation to coordinate with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, as well as the outlook under the upcoming regime, such as penalty provisions, whether the PDP bill, once passed, will replace certain existing regulations, etc.

ABLI is heartened by such lively interactions with our attendees who were not only lawyers in private practice, but also in-house counsel, data protection officers and privacy managers. We are also grateful for the attendance by selected regional and global regulators.

Those who are interested in viewing the recording of this session may contact the Secretariat at [email protected].

As jurisdictions across the region speed up the development of their respective personal data protection legislation and practices, ABLI hopes to curate more such sessions that are of practical value to both legal and non-legal communities.