Terms and conditions for use of this website
Who is ABLI?
The Asian Business Law Institute (or “ABLI”) is an Institute based in Singapore that initiates, conducts and facilitates research and produces authoritative texts with a view to providing practical guidance in the field of Asian legal development and promoting the convergence of Asian business laws.
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The materials on this website have different copyright owners. For some of the materials, ABLI is the copyright owner. For other materials, ABLI is not the copyright owner but has permission from the copyright owners to reproduce the materials on this website.
So before you reproduce any part of this website, please email us at [email protected]. That way, we can assess your request to reproduce any material in which ABLI owns the copyright or direct your request to the author of any material in which we do not own the copyright.
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The trademarks used on this website refer to organisations with whom ABLI has various types of relationships. No endorsement is implied by ABLI’s use of those trademarks on this website.
Do you provide legal advice?
The materials published on this website may contain opinions as to legal matters. However, the materials only provide a summary or general overview of such matters. The materials published on this website are not intended to be comprehensive. ABLI does attempt to ensure that the materials on its website are current, but ABLI does not guarantee that the materials are current.
Moreover, ABLI is a research institute. ABLI is not a law firm. ABLI is not licensed to offer legal advice or provide legal services and does not do so.
As such, the materials on this website do not constitute legal advice and you cannot rely on them as providing such advice. You must seek your own legal advice, tailored to your specific circumstances, before acting or relying on any material published on this website.
Do you have a privacy policy?
Yes. Please read our Privacy Policy here.